Why is Rudyard Kipling so popular?

Kipling Picture

If you’re anything like me, you’re curious about how certain writers or artists hang on to fame over time. Rudyard Kipling is a prime example. Anyone who takes a peek at Rudyard Kipling’s literary achievements will see he was one of the most popular Victorian-era writers. And, even though his work’s now a century and …

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children of light

By Robert Lowell Our fathers wrung their bread from stocks and stonesAnd fenced their gardens with the Redmen’s bones;Embarking from the Nether Land of Holland,Pilgrims unhouseled by Geneva’s night,They planted here the Serpent’s seeds of light;And here the pivoting searchlights probe to shockThe riotous glass houses built on rock,And candles gutter by an empty altar,And …

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the four ages of man

By William Butler Yeats He with body waged a fight,But body won; it walks upright.Then he struggled with the heart;Innocence and peace depart.Then he struggled with the mind;His proud heart he left behind.Now his wars on God begin;At stroke of midnight God shall win. commentary about The Four Ages Of Man This evocative poem, entitled …

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the water

By Henry Lawson Let others make the songs of love    For our young struggling nation;    But I will sing while e’er I live    The Songs of Irrigation;    For while the white man shall beget    The white man’s son and daughter,    The two most precious things for us    Shall still be wheat and water.     We’ve been drought-ruined in the West,    And ever in my …

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The Road That Has No End

By Joseph Burrows HAST ever tramped along the road    That has no end?The far brown winding road,—your one    Fast friendA tattered weather-beaten swag,    A silent mate    To sendHis dumb warm comfort to the heart,    A fount where dreams ascend. There’s wondrous freedom on the road    That has no end;A …

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By Myra Viola Wilds What kind of thoughts now, do you carry In your travels day by day Are they bright and lofty visions, Or neglected, gone astray? Matters not how great in fancy, Or what deeds of skill you’ve wrought; Man, though high may be his station, Is no better than his thoughts. Catch …

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